Saturday, July 24, 2021


 After basic bodily and ego needs have been fulfilled, the highest level of psychological development is self-actualization as shown by Maslow's hierarchy.  He believed that needs lower down in the hierarchy must be satisfied before individuals can attend to the needs higher up.  The physiological needs including air, water, food, shelter, sleep, clothing, and reproduction are essential for survival.  Next come safety needs of personal security, employment, and health.  Love and belonging in friendship, intimacy, and family give connection to others.  Esteem is found in respect, status, self-respect, and freedom.  Self-actualization is the need to become the most that you can be, to fulfill your potential.

The documentary "The Secret" based on the book by Rhonda Byrne claims that self-actualization pivots on the Laws of Attraction: that is  think positively, and positive things will come to you.  Be grateful for what you have instead of focusing on what you don't have.  Next visualize what you want, believe it can happen and you will receive your desires.  Thought can become things. The fallacy here is that wishing even with planning does not always grant your wishes.

Many people around the world have a great struggle just to attain their basic physiological needs.  Those that are secure in meeting these basic needs may continue the struggle going up the pyramid.  Too many roadblocks stop their progress.  Those of us that are fortunate enough to near the top of the pyramid may be slowed toward self-actualization by our culture, society, and even those that we love.  Some people even dwell in self-defeating behaviors that stop them from completing this last step - self-actualizatiion.

We should realize that even if we get to this step, we should feel obligated to help our fellow humans attain all that they can.   Attaining this highest form of development goes beyond ourself.  Continue developing, learning, and creating all your life and help others do the same. 

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Mystery, Magic, and Miracles

 Who done it?  What caused it?  Will it remain a mystery?  A real crime which leads to search for the culprit or a mystery novel read for pure enjoyment will present the clues.   Each bit of information needs to be proven true to solve the mystery.  Magicians can perfect tricks that fool the eye.  The existence of miracles depends on the belief of those involved, usually a belief in the supernatural. 

As mysteries present themselves, our imagination and logic need to prevail.  Science often reveals proof that the suspect is guilty.  Careful investigation can explain the methods of the magician. Possible miracles go beyond scientific proof and depend on the perspective of the believer.

Mystery, magic, and miracles often include a fourth m - manipulation.  Authors of mystery novels present clues, some leading to the truth, some misleading.  The reader's imagination is manipulated to follow the story until the conclusion.  A magician practices his illusions in order to manipulate the audience into believing the fantastic.  Some people believe in miracles that in their minds don't require scientific proof.  Their fellow believers reinforce the possibility.  People can manipulate their own thinking to sidestep logic.

Many mysteries will remain just that, with no explanations.  Science doesn't have all the answers.  Be careful that your need for answers allows others to manipulate your thinking.

Many like a good mystery novel or movie.  Some like magic shows.  And those that believe in miracles will leave this earth in hopes that the biggest miracle is true.