Question everything. Think logically. Consider your sources of information. Realize every question can have multiple answers or no satisfactory answer at all. Answers may contribute to facts or support opinions. Some answers are unknown, but still ask. Some questions may remain in your brain, never to be spoken or written down for anyone else to hear or view. Other questions may benefit from discussing with a trusted, non-judgmental friend, one who will keep your confidence. Many questions require research, but always consider your sources to see if they are valid or unbiased.
Friday, June 25, 2021
To College Graduates
Question everything. Think logically. Consider your sources of information. Realize every question can have multiple answers or no satisfactory answer at all. Answers may contribute to facts or support opinions. Some answers are unknown, but still ask. Some questions may remain in your brain, never to be spoken or written down for anyone else to hear or view. Other questions may benefit from discussing with a trusted, non-judgmental friend, one who will keep your confidence. Many questions require research, but always consider your sources to see if they are valid or unbiased.
Friday, June 18, 2021
Local News
The latest shooting, robbery, traffic accident, violence, injuries, death, and other tragedies come first on the local news. Much is labeled BREAKING NEWS to grab the attention of the viewer. The more sensational, the better. Plus, if video footage is available, the more reason to present the story. If our local community doesn't have enough bad news, stations add bad things that have happened elsewhere. Weather reports usually follow (actually helpful to plan our day) and celebrity tidbits are added. Sports coverage gets its due which provides free advertising for the home teams.
The local TV stations have decided what is newsworthy. They seem to think they must present these violent stories in order to keep up with their competition. These stories fill our minds and often are conversation starters. Our community gets an unfair bad reputation because the sensational stories are emphasized on the local news.
Other important events deserve to be reported which would shed favorable light on the community, but for some reason they are omitted. Some people have chosen to stop watching the news because of the negative stories often repeated through the day. Local news is not the only guilty party. The national news also emphasizes similar types of stories from around the country and the world.
Tuesday, June 8, 2021
Social Justice
Social justice only occurs when everyone has equal rights. Some groups have more advantages or privileges than others which leads to inequality. Many people find it hard to admit that they are privileged. They feel that their families have worked hard to be where they are today and didn't receive any privileged treatment. Often they view others as products of families who didn't work as hard or didn't make the right decisions which may have led to their situation.
Even though we profess that everyone is treated equally by the traditions of our society and the laws of our country, a closer look will show how the white race and the male gender have been allocated more benefits than other races and women of every race; therefore, these groups are privileged. The original US Constitution, written by white males, did not consider African-Americans, Native Americans, or women in general. These groups have had to fight are are still fighting for equal rights and opportunities.
Our history, written primarily by white males, emphasized their lives and accomplishments while often omitting the contributions of others. Military endeavors prevailed. Since men were allowed more education and time to pursue personal development, their new ideas and inventions were recorded. This was made possible by the subservient lives of females, wives, and slaves. Those in power increased their wealth while other groups remained financially dependent.
Those with white skin have had advantages and privileges which placed them in their situations. Hard work was not the only factor. Plus males in general have had more power since civilization began because women had very little. Other groups like LGBTQ have also had to fight for their rights.
We can't avoid noticing race and gender that will often bring up past stereotypes and prejudices. These differences should not affect our desire that all are treated equally. Social justice demands that. Things have gotten better over the past decades, but much improvement is still needed. Please recognize when you are privileged and promote social justice.