Your senior year has been beyond unique, yet you have succeeded in your goal of graduation. Virtual learning, social distancing, wearing masks, and giving up a more normal senior year has been a great sacrifice and accomplishment. Some of you became sick and had friends and relatives suffer. As you slowly return to a more normal life, you will appreciate regaining the freedoms you temporarily lost. Be patient and follow the advice of the scientists.
This year hasn't been completely negative. You found ways to keep connected with each other and had the opportunity to spend lots of time with family. You learned to protect yourself and therefore protected others. Perhaps you will be more prepared to be independent learners which will be an asset in life after graduation. Seeing how the whole world had to face a common problem and find solutions should make you realize how human beings are basically the same, want to be healthy and live satisfying lives. Technology has allowed us to see how others live, and therefore we can appreciate the advantages we have in the USA. We have also became more aware of our political system and how democracy must be protected. Please get involved in your government and use your vote to better your community, state, and country. Some of you may even choose to become leaders.
Just like this year has been unique, realize that each of you is also unique. Your experiences can make you wiser. You have the opportunity to expand your talents, prepare yourself for the adult world, and understand what is important to you and how you can contribute to the betterment of our world. Try to choose a career that you will enjoy. As you understand yourself better, realize the advantages of understanding others. Even though we are all basically the same, many differences can divide us. Please try to understand and appreciate other points of view and have empathy for other people around you and around the world. Also learn ways to keep our environment healthy. Your generation may find solutions to improve and restore our habitat.
Many of you will be leaving your family home for further education. Always remember how your family loves and cares for you. Also realize what your teachers have done for you over the years.
Congratulations Class of 2021!