If you are male, what would be hard to let go? Historically having more rights, privileges, and power than females, given toys that stimulate math and science interests, being encouraged to develop talents and careers and go out into the world, free from monthly cycles, being able to have children without being pregnant, having females take the primary responsibilities caring for offspring and the household which allows males more freedom to pursue a career without interruption, having your family name as your children's last name, more likely to become high ranking political officials or CEOs, making more money.
If you are white, what would be hard to let go? Historically having more rights, privileges, and power than non-whites, having a skin tone that isn't seen as being a member of "another" group, being in the majority group, having no ancestors who were enslaved, receiving proper treatment and justice, less likely to go to prison.
The white male is finding it very hard to let go of their position. They are used to being treated better, being paid more, and having higher positions of power. This power, however, is a result of the female and non-white populations having less power and lower status in society. Females and non-white races must continually struggle to obtain equality and justice.