Sunday, April 9, 2017


     Repetition can help us learn, remember, and improve a skill; however, too much repetition may make a groove in our minds, like a path cutting through the woods, a saw cutting through a tree.  The groove may become permanent which can be considered beneficial or destructive.
     When we continue to listen to and talk about the same topics or opinions, we can exhaust our imagination to consider other opinions.  We narrow our perspective; our path gets deeper instead of wider.
     Politicians repeat mottoes, mantras, and messages to form a path to the voting machine, then after elections, they keep repeating for support and agreement.  Only when their path is unsuccessful do they begin to widen their perspective.
     Worship services often include repetitions of memorized responses, statements, and prayers. Depending on your perspective, this can be viewed as reinforcement of beliefs or looked at as brainwashing.
     Repetition has advantages and drawbacks, can be a help or a hindrance.  Don't get stuck in a rut.

Friday, April 7, 2017

What world

     Every person lives in a particular physical place outside the body but also lives inside the mind. The physical place includes home, surrounding areas, and the world.  The locale also includes the people in our lives.  Inside the mind are memories, emotions, imagination, opinions, and hopes for the future.  All these facets make up many worlds.
     What world do you prefer?  Being in nature, exploring new places, socializing with friends and family, participating in physical activities, making or listening to music, enjoying food and drink, intimate relationships.  Or reliving memories, feeling emotions, forming opinions, discovering new ideas, planning the future, relying on spirituality or reason.
     Everyone dwells in many worlds both physical and mental.  Circumstances may force us into spending more time in some worlds than others.  Our preferences often place us in worlds where we get the most satisfaction and pleasure.  A well-rounded person should try to find a healthy balance.
     Some people don't want a balance.  They have chosen their world and refuse to enter another.  They may prefer a cocoon of their own making, to remain in their traditions and habits, resisting change, denying a need for improvement.  Many idealize the past, want to do what feels good, and prefer not to rock the boat.  Some people will dismiss reality in order to live in delusion.
     The world around us and within us exist at the same time.  Each influences the other.  Be aware of the many colors that surround you and become part of you.

Monday, April 3, 2017


     Manipulation is at work whether we are aware or unaware.  Someone wants us to agree with their way of thinking.  Perhaps the manipulator feels it is for our own good, or perhaps it will just further their own goals,
     When someone is trying to hold us back or push us forward, standing up for our own ideas is difficult.  Outside influences can persuade us to follow the crowd of our families, friends, culture, and religion.  We may be more comfortable being part of a group and less confident in forming our own unique opinions.  We seldom are encouraged to think for ourselves, to question our group or its leaders, to have the courage to face the repercussions.  Feelings of disloyalty and guilt may hamper us from believing something different.
      We should honor our parents, our spouse, and experts in their respective fields, but we should most honor our own minds, our ability to think on our own.  If you have been up close and personal with someone who has had a stroke or other brain injury, the sudden decrease in brain function is shocking.  If you have witnessed someone with dementia who is gradually losing function, the tragedy is heartbreaking.  Put great value on your ability to think and don't overvalue the thoughts of others.  Don't be a lump of clay; form your own ideas.