Repetition can help us learn, remember, and improve a skill; however, too much repetition may make a groove in our minds, like a path cutting through the woods, a saw cutting through a tree. The groove may become permanent which can be considered beneficial or destructive.
When we continue to listen to and talk about the same topics or opinions, we can exhaust our imagination to consider other opinions. We narrow our perspective; our path gets deeper instead of wider.
Politicians repeat mottoes, mantras, and messages to form a path to the voting machine, then after elections, they keep repeating for support and agreement. Only when their path is unsuccessful do they begin to widen their perspective.
Worship services often include repetitions of memorized responses, statements, and prayers. Depending on your perspective, this can be viewed as reinforcement of beliefs or looked at as brainwashing.
Repetition has advantages and drawbacks, can be a help or a hindrance. Don't get stuck in a rut.