Sunday, March 20, 2016


     With each passing year, we increase and maintain power over our own bodies and minds.  As we control our health, strength, flexibility, and endurance, our bodies become powerful.  As we control our mental and emotional health, continue our education, become exposed to a variety of opinions, and deal with challenges, our minds become more powerful.  We also learn to resist being overpowered by parents and peers.  We increase our abilities to have power over others, to define our own opinions and persuade others to see our point of view.  We should use our powers for our own good and for the benefit of others.
    Sometimes, we group together to increase our power.  Other times, we give power to others to act on our behalf with our own best interests in mind.  We give power to elected officials through our votes and support; however, some of them use their power to benefit themselves and their own parties at the expense of  doing the right thing for our country.  By refusing to cooperate and compromise, they obstruct progress. 
     Keep your body and mind powerful.  Use the best fuel, plan your route, and do what it takes to get the job done.   Be that little engine that could.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Beyond Survival

     Nature's focus is on survival and reproduction.  In order to accomplish this, the animal kingdom followed patterns learned from their parents.  The  species that survived were creative, inventive, and adapted to a broader world.  We need to see how following traditional patterns may stop us from developing our personal talents and interests.
     For much of the 20th century, the pattern was mostly about marriage and reproduction.  In order for the family unit to survive, father brought home the bacon and mother fried it up in a pan (plus took care of the house and children.)  Young men were advised to find a career that provided a good economic compensation to support and pay the family bills.  Many young women didn't envision a career beyond marriage and family.  If they did, they felt that career must coordinate with their many family responsibilities.  The American Dream was a picture of mom, dad, and the kids.  Survival and reproduction were the goals.
     In the 21st century, we can see the shortcomings of this pattern.  The traditional American Dream is changing.  Many families need two incomes to survive.   Young men and women are encouraged to develop their talents and interests, get an education, and begin a career before marriage or at least before having children.  People are beginning to realize that they should not sacrifice developing their own talents and interests in order to reproduce the next generation. 
     Encourage your teenagers to design their own dreams, find out what they want to do with their lives, and develop their own potential.  Of course, they need to be able to support themselves, but their career should be something they enjoy, something beyond survival.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


     March comes in like a lion (winter) and goes out like a lamb (spring.)   The Northern Hemisphere is beginning to get more hours of daylight and warmer temperatures.  Nature is waking up from a dormant sleep.
     This month, the Irish celebrate St. Patrick and the Italians honor St. Joseph, whose legends include banishing snakes and bringing rain.  In NOLA, we celebrate with parades and food. The Irish throw cabbages and carrots from parade floats.   The Italians also parade, but in addition make altars of baked goods with religious symbolism and give out fava beans as reminders of the crop saved from drought.
     This year, Easter is March 27, and Christians will celebrate all over the world.  Coloring and decorating eggs is a traditional activity.  Parents promise young children that the Easter Bunny will bring baskets of treats.
     The Romans named this month after Mars, the god of war and agriculture, two seemingly opposite endeavors; however, spring improved the conditions for soldiers to fight and farmers to plant.  Let's hope our world reduces the amount of fighting and increases our ability to feed the hungry.   We need to grow peace in our hearts and plant seeds in the earth.  Become less like a lion and more like a lamb.