Sunday, December 28, 2014


    Why?  I wonder, I don't know, but I'm thinking about it. We rethink the past, seek answers to today's questions, and ponder what will happen in the future.  Our curiosity helps us find meaning.  We try to find reasons, sometimes doubt, desire more information, and consider choices.  We wonder.
    Wow!  I wonder, I am amazed, and in awe.   We marvel at nature, admire outstanding talents, fortitude, and kindness, and are thankful for our physical and mental capabilities.  Sometimes the less we understand the workings of nature, the more we may see it all as miraculous.  We feel wonder.
     When you wonder about the wonders of the universe, keep questioning and don't assume it is a miracle.  Realize we are a product of an amazing evolution.  Our survival depends on how we take care of ourselves, each other, and the world.
      Question and marvel about everything.  Discover the why and feel the wow.

Saturday, December 27, 2014


      Some trees never seem to change, forever green, never baring their branches, always providing shade and refuge.  Other trees show a colorful display, then leaves fall and decay.
    When we focus on sustaining our outer beauty, we need to remember that autumn fades to winter.  When we concentrate on maintaining our inner beauty, our usefulness will last through all the seasons of life.
     Nature does not worry about sustaining spring because fruit must form in the summer for the next generation.  When autumn arrives, every living thing follows its own survival plan.  See the natural beauty in all forms of life in every season.  

Friday, December 19, 2014


     Light enables us to see.  Ideas enable us to think.
     The Times/Picayune newspaper has a section called Reflections where editorials and opinions are published.  Readers may submit letters to-the-editor in reply or on original topics.  Professionals and amateurs can share their thoughts.
     Our mirror creates reflections where we can analyze our appearance, fix our hair, and apply health and beauty products.  Sometimes we see imperfections and signs of aging in face and body.  Other times we realize we are OK and good enough as is.
     We should look beyond the mirror and reflect on what we think.  We can listen to and read other viewpoints which will help our own thinking.  We can voice our opinions and write about our thoughts.  Our behavior can be a reflection of our values and morals when we practice what we preach.  Sometimes, however, we say one thing and do another.  Actions often speak louder than words.
     After reflection, we can expand and alter our thinking, but at times, we may believe we are OK and good enough as is.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Now's Not the Time

     Some say timing is everything.  The results we wish to achieve will be lessened or ineffective if we say or do something at the wrong time, in the wrong circumstances, or with people who are not ready to listen.
     Sometimes, we must plan a conversation and do whatever it takes to get the person ready to listen.  We may be ready now, but we have to remember our goal and plan accordingly.  We also must anticipate resistance to change especially if the person is happy the way things are now.
     Good comedians develop their timing to build up, pause, and wait for the laugh.  People making  speeches have to get their points across in the right amount of time with good style and delivery.  Parents realize they have to have a continuing communication with their children instead of trying to reason when the child is upset and out of control.
     We can time our conversation to get the greatest effect, but procrastination may produce too much delay.  Our time may be limited; our opportunities may be few.  The perfect time may not come.  We don't want to run out of time to get our message across.
     If now is not the time, then when?

Thursday, December 11, 2014


     When your thinking, emotions, and behavior seem to be controlled by other people or outside influences, your independent thought is inhibited.  Brainwashing usually is pictured as happening in war prisons, totalitarian governments, or religious cults where isolation, propaganda, repeated messages, and emotional pressures are used to control minds.  Many forms of brainwashing, however, happen all around us.
      Often, we are indoctrinated supposedly for our own good.  Parents and other well-meaning adults teach us values and opinions to help us develop into responsible adults.  They may not encourage us to think independently or form other opinions.  Religions also indoctrinate people to what they believe is true and necessary to lead good lives. Cults aren't the only ones who insist that their philosophy is the only way.
     Brainwashing is also used for the benefit of someone else.  Political parties use every tactic to control your thoughts and get your support.  Promoters of products and services use advertising to influence your spending habits.  Repetition of emotional appeals seem to block our independent thought.  We do need good leaders, products, and services, but we need to realize when we are being manipulated.
     Perhaps we need to give our own brains a good washing to examine how we think, feel, and  behave, then clean out the debris.   Recognize who or what influenced you in the past and increase the use of independent thought now and in the future.

Sunday, December 7, 2014


     Can we know today what will happen tomorrow, next week, or even into the distant future?  If so, how do we know?
     We base predictions on our analysis of the past and on the probability that tomorrow will be similar to today with planned and unplanned variations.  We have a basic understanding of the laws of nature, the way our body works, and the patterns of human behavior.  Some people make predictions based on prophesies and promises stated in holy scriptures.  They believe that if they study and accept these religious ideas, they will have an unending future.
     Our predictions may be accurate, partially true, or just wishful thinking.  Surprises happen both good and bad: pleasant weather or earthquakes, fires, and storms; continued good health or disease, injury, and aging; satisfying relationships or arguments, divorce, and estrangements.  Of course, we all hope for the best but must be prepared for less than the best.  Focus on the future can help or hinder dealing with the present.  Some people find comfort in realistic optimism; some have faith in religious beliefs.
     Predictions after all are informed guesses or opinions.  We can strive to make more sound predictions but at the same time improve our ability to handle the unknown.  Like Annie, we need to have a certain amount of optimism that the sun will come out tomorrow.

Monday, December 1, 2014


     Grace is the love and mercy we receive and give, a gift not necessarily earned or deserved.  Grace usually brings delight, joy, and happiness or at least, improves the life of another.  Those that show grace are kind, generous, virtuous, and forgiving.
     Some believe that grace comes from God.  Humans cannot earn or deserve this gift.   Whether we believe in a spiritual source or not, we can show human grace to others.  Difficulty comes when we expect others to earn our generosity or deserve our kindness and forgiveness.  Sometimes the grace we show others isn't noticed or appreciated; it may be taken for granted.  In some relationships, one person seems to do more of the giving.  Sometimes this is unavoidable when the other person is incapacitated or just insensitive.   Sometimes, we need to help them understand our perspective so they aren't so oblivious.
     To make things easier, we need to remember that virtue can be its own reward.  When we know we are doing the right thing, we should feel a sense of accomplishment.  We should also show grace toward ourselves to be sure our needs are met.  We should not feel guilty when we grow tired and feel life is unfair.  Show love and mercy to yourself and to others.