Saturday, November 26, 2011


     "The best things in life are free" like the love from a parent or child, the kindness of strangers, and nature's beauty and bounty.  Appreciating these gifts makes us less likely to want all the expensive things like the latest technology, high price tag clothes, jewelry, and toys, and the multitude of luxuries we confuse with necessities.  The cost of these gifts includes your time, energy, and money.  Try to avoid the pressure to shop until you drop.  Please give the most valuable gifts this season and all year long, the gifts of your love, time, and talent, and as our children enjoy getting gifts, be sure that they learn the greater joy of giving.

Monday, November 14, 2011


     We all know we should resist unhealthy choices and unwise financial decisions.  Overindulgence in what we take into our bodies and overspending beyond our means can cause big problems.  We need to strengthen our resolve to do what is right for ourselves and our families.  Temptation seems to increase this time of year as part of Christmas celebrations.  Advertising aimed at adults and children, store decorations, music, and "sales," all put on the pressure to buy happiness.
     We all want Santa to bring our kids new toys, but we need to help children realize that happiness is not measured by how much is under the Christmas tree.  Adults need to consider that giving and getting gifts may be a part of tradition that needs to be reevaluated.
     Realize the holiday pressure for what it is.  Merchants want your money whether you can afford it or not.  Show your love and joy in a responsible way.  Resist the temptation to buy happiness. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


     When people treat you well, you should be aware and thank them.  From saying "thank you" as a part of good manners to showing others we appreciate what they have done for us, we need to give thanks.
     To parents who showed us love, attention, and  good values, we need to give thanks.
     To other family members who give us affection and support, we need to give thanks.
     To friends who provide companionship and understanding, we need to give thanks.
     To teachers, scout leaders, and coaches who helped us learn, we need to give thanks.
     To doctors, dentists, nurses, and therapists who help keep us healthy, we need to give thanks.
     To community workers, librarians, police, and good politicians, we need to give thanks.
     Notice all the good others have done to benefit our lives and let them know how much they are appreciated.  This is the true spirit of giving thanks.  HAPPY THANKSGIVING !

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


     Often our spirits can take a dip because of exhaustion, stress, and unfortunate events.  A little pick-me-up can temporarily raise our spirits to a normal level: caffeine in the morning, a glass of wine at night, and a little sugar from the kitchen or in the bedroom. We can exercise, talk to a friend, play with a pet, or pursue a hobby. Unfortunately, moods can also be altered with nicotine, drugs, alcohol, and dangerous behaviors like overeating and gambling.  Addictions can take over lives.  We need to understand why we use certain substances and behaviors to feel good.
     Perhaps we don't appreciate our day-to-day lives, our healthy bodies, and the companionship of the people in our lives.  The simple pleasures of an ordinary life can often be taken for granted.  We sometimes crave a little excitement, something beyond the norm.  We feel a need to amp up our happiness and "get high."  If we could only set our brains to be up-beat, train ourselves to be satisfied and happy, and get pleasure from making others happy, maybe we could create and sustain a natural high. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Nanny State

     Governments need to pass laws to protect and control the welfare of its citizens, but at times it can become excessive, almost like a nanny treats children.  The assumption is that human beings don't always have the mental or emotional capacity to control themselves or do what is in their best interests and in the best interests of the group.  They are not responsible enough, don't think of the consequences of their behavior, and need regulation to prevent unhealthy and unsafe behaviors.
     Some religions go one step further and say we have original sin and may naturally make bad decisions and have bad behavior if left on our own.  We need a supernatural father figure to help guide us to do the right thing.
     Giving up some of our freedom for the good of society may be necessary; however, we need to be careful about taking away the civil rights of others before considering the reasons and consequences.   Having a kind and protective nanny may be necessary for immature children, but wanting our government to alter basic civil rights based on religious beliefs is not what grownups need.